


Just as CPR 帮助s you assist an individual having a heart attack — even if you have no clinical training — 心理健康急救 帮助s you assist someone experiencing 与心理健康相关的危机. 在心理健康急救课程中,你会学到风险 factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, strategies for how to 帮助 someone in both crisis and non-crisis 的情况下, and where to turn for 帮助. 心理健康急救 is an 8-hour course that teaches you how to 帮助 someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The training 帮助s you identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses 以及物质使用障碍.



The Adult 心理健康急救 course is appropriate for anyone 18 years and older who wants to learn how to 帮助 a person who may be experiencing a mental health related 危机或问题. 涵盖的主题包括焦虑、抑郁、精神病和成瘾.


Youth 心理健康急救 is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to 帮助 an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental 健康或成瘾挑战或处于危机之中. 青少年心理健康急救主要是 专为经常与年轻人互动的成年人设计. 课程介绍 common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to 帮助 young people in both crisis and non-crisis 的情况下. 主题包括焦虑,抑郁,物质使用,精神障碍 which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior 障碍 (including AD/HD), and eating 障碍.


For a number of reasons, individuals experiencing mental illness and substance use 障碍 often have more contact with the criminal justice system than the general 人口. 因此,准备较好的官员和工作人员能够有效地作出反应 相应地,这种互动就越有可能是积极的. 精神 Health First Aid Public Safety focuses on the unique experiences and needs of law 执法、矫正和公共安全的受众. 

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我会快乐 has 25 years of experience in collaborating with federal, state and local agencies in addition to university/college officials to implement strong preemptive 社区教育和专业发展项目. 乔伊首先开始工作 with adolescents and transition-aged youth in college as a volunteer at a Boys Ranch for delinquent juveniles and later as an intern at a tri-county Restitution Center 在德克萨斯州. 在获得行为科学学士学位后,乔伊 worked as a mentor in an alternative high school and as a state parole officer at 一个男性监狱和中途教习所. 搬到路易斯安那州后,乔伊毕业于 the regional police academy with the highest scholastic honor and began working as a state commissioned officer at Louisiana State University, and later at Centenary 大学. 乔伊曾是一名巡警和监督员,后来晋升为警察 Captain over the Special Services Division which included grant acquisition, community 教育项目,技术和灾难应对. 她住在路易斯安那州 extensive hands on disaster response experience working with diverse populations pre 以及飓风安德鲁、卡特里娜和丽塔之后. 乔伊是社区急救中心的讲师 响应和重大事件管理. 和丈夫搬到阿拉巴马州后, Joy went to work for as the Training Specialist for the 精神 and Behavioral Health Capacity Project where she focused on enhancing our communities’ trauma and disaster resilience through the development of the mental and behavioral health capacity of 急救人员、教育工作者和社区服务提供者. 乔伊继续着她的生活。 professional development through Certification as an Adult, Youth and Public Safety 心理健康急救 Instructor under the auspices of the National Council for Behavioral Health and training in Crisis Intervention Teams from CIT International. Currently, she is a program director at the 十大彩票网投平台 Center for 继续教育和会议服务.



齐克·奥尔警长 is an innovative police chief with over 27 years of experience in both college and university law enforcement at four unique institutions in the States 路易斯安那州和阿拉巴马州. 他致力于实施强有力的预防犯罪/教育 programs in addition to crisis response initiatives and training to prepare the campus 紧急情况社区. 奥尔局长在缉毒方面经验丰富, 巡逻、刑事调查和保护重要人物. 他也有第一手的经验 安德鲁、卡特里娜和丽塔飓风的危机管理. 奥尔局长是一名警察 认证F.B.I. 讲师,并有许多证书,包括作为一个高级 执法快速反应训练指导员和人质谈判代表. 他还 is an executive member of the regional Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee. As part of his commitment to community policing, Chief Aull has been very active in the development of 心理健康急救训练 and Crisis Intervention team training 执法人员.



查克Sutherlin currently serves as a Sergeant with the Foley Police Department in 鲍德温县,阿拉巴马州. 他是一名有14年经验的执法人员,之前 曾在美国陆军担任军事警察. 恰克对心理健康很感兴趣 evolved through his long term commitment to special needs citizens through the Special 奥运会. 在2014年,他被选为代表他的部门在区域精神 Health project that incorporates Crisis Intervention training and 精神 Health First 为莫比尔县和鲍德温县的公共安全人员提供Aid®培训. 查克是 instrumental in creating a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) program at the Foley Police 是鲍德温县第一个. 他目前在Mobile-Baldwin任职 CIT Steering Committee and is the CIT Coordinator for the Foley Police Department.