


欢迎来到南向方向! 你们在这里是因为你们是2024年的高中 graduate or a student who is a first-time freshman under the age of 23. 如果你是 23 or older and are not transferring from another institution, we recommend you attend a 转移 & 成年新生 南行新生迎新活动.

我们期待着帮助我们的新捷豹过渡到美国! 取向的领导人 will lead the way, providing new students with information about our campus, student 服务和支持,以及其他资源.  只有被录取的学生才会有入学指导 注册访问. 报名参加迎新活动的学生,将由一名教师与他们联系 academic advisor who will assist them with course registration. 

In an effort to prepare all of our new Jaguars for their transition to 南, we will host multiple orientation sessions and new undergraduate students are required to 参加一个. Spaces for each session will fill up quickly, so we encourage you to register 尽快确保您的首选会话. 


  • 登录 to your admissions account with the same credentials that you used when you submitted 你的网上入学申请.
  • After you have viewed your admissions status in the 门户网站, click the "Register for “定向”链接报名.
  • Complete the orientation registration form and submit with payment. 

There is an orientation fee, which is a university fee that cannot be waived and is 报到时需要. 您的注册未被确认 直到付款. If your orientation plans change and you choose to cancel your registration, please contact our office directly to provide notification of the change. For refund consideration, a written notice of cancellation and refund request must 在各自的截止日期前收到. 2024年5月1日以后将不予退款 给即将入学的暑期学生. 

Dates for our regular Summer 2024 virtual orientation sessions are as follows:

  • 2024年4月11日
    • 学期学生必须注册参加这个课程吗.
    • Summer I, Summer II, and full summer term students may register for this session.
  • 2024年5月28日
    • Summer I, II, and full term students may register for this session.
  • 2024年6月24日
    • 只有暑期二年级的学生才可以报名参加.
  • NOTE: Only Summer Start students should register for June 10, as directed by their 项目协调人.




祝贺你被南方录取! 我们很高兴你做出了决定 加入捷豹大家庭. 以下是成为美国学生的步骤:






If you have additional questions, please call or 电子邮件 the 新生迎新 办公室:

(251) 460-7093